The Mộc Kết 02 event, held at Hoàng Long Resort on November 25, 2024, brought together prominent speakers including Mr. Nguyễn Văn Giáp (Director of IGA Vietnam Co., Ltd.), Architect Lê Anh Tuấn (Founder of the VietCG design community), and Ms. Trần Lê Hồng Vân (Master of Business Administration, supply chain expert), offering valuable insights and practical solutions for traditional woodworking businesses. 

Mộc Kết 02 focused on three key areas: establishing a sustainable supply chain for woodworking villages, introducing new production methods for small and medium-sized furniture workshops to meet e-commerce trends, and sharing the complete process from design to finished product. The event served not only as a knowledge-sharing forum but also as a networking platform for businesses, designers, and suppliers, fostering collaboration and promoting sustainable innovation within the wood manufacturing industry. 

The event held strategic significance in shaping a new direction for Vietnamese woodworking villages. Beyond preservation, Mộc Kết 02 emphasized enhancing the commercial and cultural value of Vietnamese wood products, empowering these villages to build unique furniture brands and become more competitive in the international market. 

Notably, JEGA partnered with Mộc Kết 02, showcasing the JEGA Cloud Factory solution to help furniture manufacturers optimize processes, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. Mộc Kết 02 not only facilitated knowledge sharing and collaboration but also shaped a new direction, enhancing the commercial and cultural value of Vietnamese wood products, and enabling furniture manufacturers to compete globally. This represents a significant step forward, bridging tradition and modernity, and promoting sustainable development for the Vietnamese woodworking industry. 

#JEGA #JEGA_Cloud_Design #MocKet 

