Account information setting

Account Information Settings

To protect the security of your account, please do not disclose your personal account information to others!

1. Edit personal account information:

Step 1: Click on Account Information from the dropdown menu to open your Personal Data page.

Note: You must complete your account information before purchasing and activating JEGA's custom modules!

2. Change account password

Step 1: Click on the Personal Information dropdown menu and open the Personal Data page, then click on Modify Password.

Step 2: Enter your current password, then create a new password for your JEGA account. Click Save to apply the changes.

Note: The password must be 6-20 characters long and include both letters and numbers!

3. Change your account email

Step 1: Click on the Personal Information dropdown menu and open the Personal Information page, then click on Email.

Step 2: Click Save to save the information.