Panoramic Image Rendering Tutorial

You can render panoramic images to serve various purposes in your work, including creating 720 VR spaces. The steps to render panoramic images are as follows:

  1. First, you need to name each space in the house according to its main function. This helps the software recognize the room spaces when rendering the images. If one room requires two panoramic viewpoints, you need to create two room names.

2. In the top menu, click on Render – Render (shortcut Alt + R) to enter the image rendering interface.

3. Go to the Panorama (Panoramic Image) section and adjust the parameters in the left-hand panel. Select the render quality, resolution, and smart lighting template (if needed). Under the Mode section, you can choose to capture either a single panoramic image or multiple images. For single panoramic capture, position the camera in a suitable location to view the entire space, then render the image. For multiple image capture, right-click, select Create capture point, click on the positions where you want to place the camera, and then render the images.

4. Go to the Gallery section, where the Panorama section will display the rendered panoramic images. You can click to view or edit the panoramic images.

After rendering the panoramic images, you can edit them to suit your intended use. The steps are as follows:

  1. Method 1: In the Gallery interface, under the Panorama section, select Edit VR Panorama, which will display the Panorama Edit panel. Click Open Editor, and the software will automatically redirect to the panoramic image editing page.

2. Method 2: In the Design Interface, go to Tool – Panorama Editor – Open Editor, and the software will automatically redirect to the panoramic image editing page.

3. In the editing interface, you can add a new panoramic image by clicking Add new scene, selecting the scene category, and choosing the panoramic image you want to include. Click OK.

4. In the options panel on the right, there are five options. In the first section, Scene basic settings, you can capture the current scene, restore the scene, replace the image, delete the current scene, or upload an image.

5. In the second section, Edit roaming hotspots, you can create a navigation tag, select the room space you want to move to, and click OK. In the right-hand panel, click Delete if you want to remove a hotspot, or click the gear icon to edit the hotspot icon.

6. In the fourth section, you can add product placements as a form of product advertisement.

7. In the fifth section, you can select sound to use in the 720 VR space.

Select Apply to other scenarios to synchronize the sound with other scenes.